Author: Carina Salgueiro

Neurological patient and coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are currently affected by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19). Apart from the very evident affectations of the respiratory system and the main problem of patients with COVID-19 that can lead to death, it has been observed that patients severely affected by this disease can also present neurological symptoms. Scientific research concludes that neurological disorders […]

Physical therapy sesion online

As we see that this situation of confinement is going to last, starting next week the Neurorehabilitation Clinic offers online and live sessions. In this case, the intervention of the physical therapist is not direct or individualized since the session will be open to several people. However, the class will be aimed at people with […]

Sensitive and motor exercise for the arm and hand

To take advantage of time at home and in addition to the initiatives #yomequedoencasa and #yomemuevoencasa, the staff of the neurorehabilitation clinic, both physical therapists, speech therapists, psychologists and ergotherapists have wanted to collaborate with the publication of small videos, therapeutic video tips for home. Today we are with the physiotherapist Carina Salgueiro who gives […]

Therapeutic exercise in physiotherapy

Many of the neurological patients, whether due to cerebellar ataxia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease or other, have impaired balance and postural control. The rehabilitation and treatment of these disorders and alterations is essential for the patient to regain control of his movement and independence and functional autonomy. In some cases, we not only talk about recovery, […]

Assessment in neurological physiotherapy

(Español) Para la rehabilitación de las alteraciones que presente el paciente es recomendable realizar una valoración previa que aporte información al diagnóstico clínico, ayude a clasificar, graduar y medir la evolución del paciente así como los resultados de las terapias propuesta por el servicio de fisioterapia y terapia ocupacional del centro de rehabilitación neurológica.

Gait speed with Functional Electrical Stimulation

(Español) La Estimulación Eléctrica Funcional, conocida como FES por su sigla en inglés, es un abordaje terapéutico que usa un pequeño dispositivo eléctrico para producir corrientes eléctricas y estimular el nervio periférico mediante electrodos adhesivos colocados en la piel

What footwear should I wear after a stroke?

After having suffered an Ictus, it is possible to present several alterations such as speech alterations, memory and attention problems, sensory and sensory changes, alteration of movement among other less common ones. Related to the alterations of the posture and of the movement, a great alteration is in balance and march above all when the […]

Bobath Concept

As every year, we receive the training sessions of the Spanish Association of Therapists trained in the Bobath Concept (AETB). At the beginning of the month of March, Saturday, September 9, the XXXII AETB Training Days will take place in Madrid. These conferences, open to members and non-members, aim to keep interested parties up-to-date regarding […]

El impacto de la discapacidad en la vida sexual de los individuos con enfermedades neurológicas

Individuals with acquired neurological diseases (such as stroke, head trauma, spinal cord injury, etc.) suddenly see their lives limited by alterations and functional, motor, sensory, and cognitive problems, among others. In addition to these limitations that on their own lead to a disability, there are other affected areas such as family, work, social life and […]