Wellcome to our clinic
In the Clínica de Neurorehabilitación we have been treating patients with neurological problems for more than 25 years. It was founded by the German physiotherapist Bettina Paeth who introduced the Bobath Concept in Spain. The Bobath Concept is the most widely used therapeutic approach in Europe today and with proven results. The Bobath Concept, as a method of therapeutic work, focuses on the recovery of lost skills after a neurological injury. The efficacy of our treatments and the satisfaction of our patients are both due to the involvement of our team and its continuous training in the latest scientific advances in neurological matters.
Treatments with the latest technology
Telerehabilitation and stroke
(Español) El trabajo confeccionado por Carina Salgueiro y colaboradores, con el titulo “Available apps for stroke telerehabilitation during corona virus disease 2019 confinement in Spain” ha sido publicado en la revista “Disability and rehabilitation: assistive technology”
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Influence of visual training on the balance of patients with stroke
Of the symptoms that patients with stroke may present, the most common is hemiplegia, that is, the loss of movement and / or sensitivity in the half of the body contralateral to the brain injury. However, there are other alterations that affect the patient with stroke, such as speech disturbance, cognitive disturbance and even visual disturbances.
Current video games have developed a technological evolution that allows their use, not only in the field of leisure, but also for therapeutic purposes.
Dos ejercicios que debes realizar si tienes un pie equino
(Español) Si debido a tu lesión neurológica tienes un pie equino aquí van algunos consejos para que puedas prevenir retracciones capsulares, rigideces articulares y acortamientos musculares.