

We know that physical exercise is favorable for our health. Physical health by improving all our systems, the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, our muscles and joints. And also our brain since in several studies the effect of physical exercise on our mental health and our cognitive abilities has been evidenced. All this thanks to its influence […]

Therapeutic exercise in physiotherapy

Many of the neurological patients, whether due to cerebellar ataxia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease or other, have impaired balance and postural control. The rehabilitation and treatment of these disorders and alterations is essential for the patient to regain control of his movement and independence and functional autonomy. In some cases, we not only talk about recovery, […]

10 Principles of Neural Plasticity to optimize the intervention in neurorehabilitation

Use it or lose it Decreased activation of specific brain areas can lead to functional degradation. Encourage the patient to perform the movements that he can do on his own and assist the movement that he cannot perform. Since it has been shown that the decrease in use or performance of a movement can cause […]

Gait speed with Functional Electrical Stimulation

(Español) La Estimulación Eléctrica Funcional, conocida como FES por su sigla en inglés, es un abordaje terapéutico que usa un pequeño dispositivo eléctrico para producir corrientes eléctricas y estimular el nervio periférico mediante electrodos adhesivos colocados en la piel

(Español) Tratamiento miofascial para disminuir la espasticidad y mejorar el equilibrio

Este fin de semana he empezado una formación interesantísima de valoración y tratamiento de miofascial impartida por el fisioterapeuta y osteópata Ricard Tutusaus autor del recomendado libro: Sistema fascial, anatomía, valoración y tratamiento. Así que hoy he empezado a aplicar todo lo aprendido a mis pacientes y como no me parecía interesante compartir algunos conceptos […]


An intervention from occupational therapy at home allows us to transfer to daily life all the objectives that are worked on in physiotherapy, neuropsychology and speech therapy sessions. In each person’s own environment it will be possible to adapt to the individual and personal needs of each one.

LSVT exercise program for Parkinson treatment

Recently, we have made an interesting discovery for the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s. It is an exercise program called LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment). Created initially with the aim of improving motor disorders related to speech (LSVT LOUD), recently it has been extended to address the treatment of limbs (LSVT BIG) of patients with […]