Apps para todos

Apps para todos: Sant Cugat del Vallés
Apps para todos: Sant Cugat del Vallés

We are living through a time of change i constant modernization, but progress seems not reach everyone, that is, what for some may assume facilitate their daily life to others can be a great effort to adapt.

We are accustomed to using our mobile phone as our best counselor, is our guide, our agenda, our leisure, our memory and our preferred means to communicate with others. Who today does not look mobile screen more than a hundred times?

What may be easy for some, how to use and manage mobile phone and applications, others require a great deal or something unreachable. It may be a social barrier and even a form of exclusion.

Imagine a person using cane to walk, as you can use the GPS mobile phone hold the stick? Or a person with balance problems picking up the phone and looking at the screen in the middle of the street to answer your messages. Imagine a person with cognitive impairment, could use the complex menu of the address book?

Views circumstances as described, are increasingly technology companies who care and are betting on mobile applications accessible to people with disabilities both physical and cognitive. And they are increasingly raising actions for the development of mobile applications that allow benefit people with disabilities and their families or caregivers.

But the special needs are highly variable. We can think of blind or great visual problems such as very frequent diplopia in neurological patients, people with balance or mobility has its hands full with a cane, walker or wheelchair, people with communication, expression or comprehension disorder typical cognitive and language disorders such as aphasia, people with physical disabilities and can be a hemiplegia from stroke or head trauma or even lack of coordination as patients with ataxia or Parkinson’s disease. Given all these potential problems, and imagine how complex it can be to slide the mobile screen to unlock the screen and read a message that reaches phones these people.
Members Neurorehabilitation Clinic have attended the recent event “Apps for all”, held in Sant Cugat del Valles, which have been submitted several applications to make life easier for people with disabilities. The most important are:

“Whatscine” that helps people with impaired hearing or vision to enjoy movies.
“Specialiapps” featuring mobile phone accessories such as buttons for people with lack of precision in the upper extremities.
“Familyar” an application simple menu that allows the patient and family to be in continuous contact.
On the computer Neurorehabilitation Clinic try to be at the forefront of the solutions available on the market to advise patients depending on the disability presents. For this reason we always warn patients and their families is not the most expensive purchase a market that this will be useful, manageable and appropriate to the patient’s next-generation mobile phone or. The therapeutic team helps the patient and family in the search for solutions.


La Terapia ocupacional según la AETO (Asociación Española de Terapeutas Ocupacionales) es la aplicación de valores centrales, conocimiento y habilidades para ayudar a los pacientes a comprometerse con las actividades diarias u ocupaciones que ellos quieren y necesitan hacer de forma que apoyen la salud y la participación. Por eso es necesario la incorporación de un terapeuta ocupacional en el equipo de rehabilitación neurológica.
La mayor herramienta de trabajo de la Terapeuta Ocupacional es la actividad. El uso de actividades funcionales que tengan un sentido para la persona, que sean motivadoras y que despierten interés y aumento de atención en la tarea, es imprescindible para facilitar el establecimiento de nuevas conexiones cerebrales. El Terapeuta se plantea preguntas como: ¿Cuáles son los intereses del paciente? ¿Qué cosas lo motivan? ¿Cuál es el efecto de la enfermedad sobre el paciente?, etc. Y su intervención no solo está centrada en aspectos motores o sensitivos sino también en destrezas cognitivas, de control emocional, de comunicación y sociales que muchas veces se encuentran alterados en pacientes con Ictus, Esclerosis Multiple, Enfermedad de Parkinson y otras enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso.
Por todo ello en la Clínica de Neurorehabilitación trabajamos con el uso de actividades funcionales como el vestido, alimentación, higiene, transferencias y actividades de ocio como el deporte adaptado, uso de nuevas tecnologías entre otras. Damos recomendaciones para el uso de ayudas técnicas, adaptamos actividades para que el paciente pueda participar en ellas, y usamos la actividad como medio para trabajar los objetivos terapéuticos.

La vida trás un Ictus

During the morning, Casimiro, who suffered severe stroke two years ago, tells us his experience and answer some questions that many neurological patients and their families are challenged.

Your business card is very common nowadays “My name Casimiro, I had a stroke that left me half paralyzed body” and is well aware of its major limitations “My limitations are the lack of talk, I talk bad … “. At the physical level, related to his right hemiplegia he tells us that “… now way, that’s the word, walk! Work to walk better. “

Remembering the stage who has lived in the early months of having stroke tells us that “When last I had the stroke could not do anything, could not walk, could not do anything! And now way I’m moving more every day. “

Casimiro, even taking an unpromising prognosis because of the location, extent and multiple effects of his brain injury, has recovered many functions due to the commitment to himself and his family have placed and continue in the rehabilitation process “I logopedia to talk better physical therapy to walk better and psychology to connect the head. “

Your physical therapist talks about how important it was the early onset and intensity of rehabilitation “We have worked intensely in the early days until we who put up with standing, then start walking and then has become more active in their activities daily “. In addition to performing speech therapist for her disorder speech, known in clinical practice as aphasia, also followed by Neuropsychologist summarizing its development “began working attention because attentional level had difficulties and now this has improved greatly therefore already we are working higher functions. “

Before leaving us, Casimiro says his desire to drive again and says goodbye with a tip for all those who are in a similar situation to yours “Keep working as hard as they can and when for a year, a month or another 15 days notice the improvement that takes everyone. “

Part of Neurorehabilitation Clinic Casimiro thank you for sharing your experience and thus help many people who have suffered a stroke.

Thanks Casimiro and family.

Cuida y ten contento-continente tu suelo pélvico: Taller teórico-práctico

This Saturday, June 11, Neurorehabilitation Clinic offers its patients and their families a theoretical and practical workshop where the teacher and physiotherapist Cristina Gomez, talk about the pelvic floor and its main problems, urinary incontinence, algias, etc.

We’ll see how the pelvic floor dysfunction affects the neurological patient and vice versa, as a neurological disease can damage the perineum and solutions exist that address this problem.

In the practical part of the workshop various techniques and exercises to help strengthen, improve and properly maintain the pelvic floor work.

This workshop is aimed at people with neurological disorders and family with interests or the need to strengthen the pelvic floor. Neurorehabilitation Clinic not close its doors to others, so should not be our call patient to check the number of places available to outsiders.

taller teorico-práctico de rehabilitación del suelo pálvico
taller teorico-práctico de rehabilitación del suelo pálvico

Price: Free

Tutor: Cristina Gomez Ft.



09h45: Introduction to the pelvic floor

10H00: pelvic floor dysfunction (urinary incontinence, algias, spasticity, others)

10h45: Symposium

11H00: PAUSE

11H15: Practical workshop

12:15 pm: Questions / answers

12H30: THE END

La Marató TV: Ictus y lesiones medulares y cerebrales traumáticas

This year, the 25th edition of the Marathon of TV3 support neurological diseases with the theme “stroke and traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries.”

The program is intended to carry out a vast awareness campaign seen that these diseases, stroke, spinal cord injuries and brain trauma, are highly prevalent in our population.

These diseases are not only one of the leading causes of death among men and women but also the leading cause of disability or incapacity. Of the people who have suffered a stroke or injury, about half presents motor, sensory, cognitive, emotional or speech impaired sequelae.

This campaign will make a proper disclosure of the current Realize, of possible experiences that we can have close or more distant and possible aid exist to address these consequences.

Neurorehabilitation Clinic is fully solidarity with this Marató seen that this is one of the great themes of our work.

For those seeking more information about us and how we can help improve the quality of life of people who have suffered a stroke, spinal cord injury or brain injury, you can write an e-mail directly to