The neurological physiotherapy treatment for the rehabilitation of people with brain damage aims to improve movement, reduce spasticity, stimulate affected muscles, improve sensitivity, decrease pain, improve the balance and gain ability (both indoors and outdoors).
In our clinic we use the Bobath Concept as the basis of the neurological physiotherapy treatment, which analyzes the alteration of the movement caused by the neurological injury and promotes the sensory and motor recovery, optimizing the quality and the efficiency.
Through individualized exercises and guided by a therapist specialized in neurology, we help the patient to perceive better both himself and his or her environment, giving the highest priority to active participation and always taking into account his or her personal motivations.
The neurological physiotherapy treatments performed at the Bobath Neurorehabilitation Clinic in Barcelona are based on the latest advances in neurosciences combining the Bobath Concept with different approaches such as manual therapy (mobilizations, massage, stretching, neurodynamics, myofascial therapy, kinesiotape, dry needling, Task-Oriented Motor Re-learning, Mirror Therapy, Perfetti Method, Halliwick Aquatic Therapy, Somatosensory Rehabilitation, and Pain Pedagogy.
Our Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic has advanced technology applied to neurorehabilitation treatments that help us to increase the intensity of neurological treatment and to facilitate the recovery of patients with neurological damage. We have technology to achieve better results in the treatment of neurological disorders:
- Suspended overhead crane (Handimove)
- Treadmill
- Functional Electric Stimulation “FES” for walking (Walkaide System)
- Whole Body Vibration system (Vibrosphere)
- Dynamic standing frame
- Bikes with visual feedback for legs and arms (Balance Trainer)
- Virtual platform (Wii Fit).