Formación profesional

The Neurorehabilitation Clinic of Sant Cugat del Vallés, Barcelona, ​​apart from being specialized in the treatment of patients with neurological diseases, is also a Training Center for Healthcare Professionals.
As a training center for professionals in the area of ​​neurological rehabilitation (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and psychology), the Neurorehabilitation Clinic ensures quality training accredited and controlled by the Commission for Continuing Education of the Health System of the Ministry of Health.
Controlled and well-planned training favors scientific progress in the field of neurorehabilitation, providing not only scientific knowledge but also new technical skills to the professionals in question, be they physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists or psychologists.
With the training service, courses, seminars and workshops for therapists, the Neurorehabilitation Clinic aims to provide conditions to update the knowledge of professionals, improve the qualifications of the staff of health institutions that receive patients with neurological diseases or pathologies (Stroke, Sclerosis Multiple, Parkinson’s disease, etc.). Apart from taking into account the theoretical knowledge and application of techniques and treatment approaches, the organization of the Neurorehabilitation Clinic seeks to provide professionals with skills for the correct recognition and assessment of patients and the development of clinical reasoning.

The Neurorehabilitation Clinic looks for specialized training and for that it organizes courses of special interest to the rehabilitation professions such as:

  • Training courses in the Bobath Concept for physiotherapists and occupational therapists
  • Scapular motor control course for physiotherapists and occupational therapists
  • Upper limb rehabilitation training course in neurological patients
  • Neuropsychology workshop for physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists
  • Mirror therapy workshop in the neurological patient
  • Course of postural control and balance in the neurological patient
  • Course of manual therapy for neurological patients addressed to physiotherapists
  • Workshop on the use of accessible technology in neurorehabilitation
  • Among others

If you are active in neurological rehabilitation or have special interest in this area, consult our training programs or contact us.

3 thoughts on “Formación profesional

  1. Buenas Noches soy Fonoadiologa en Argentina y quisiera realizar una formación sobre el concepto Bobath en Alemania si vosotros tienen acceso a alguna institución donde pueda contactarme.
    Muchas Gracias,
    esperando una pronta respuesta.
    Vanesa Fiore.

  2. Hola!
    Soy kinesiólga (fisioterapeuta) chilena de la Universidad de Chile, Magíster en Neurociencias y Académica del Programa de Anatomía y Medicina Legal (DAML) de la Facultad de Medicina de la misma universidad, además de 18 años de experiencias en tratamiento de pacientes con secuelas neurológicas y músculoesqueléticas, principalmente en pacientes geriátricos. Les escribo porque me gustaría tener la especialidad de postgrado en rehabilitación con especial interés en el curso de terapia manual, además de saber cuáles serán las fechas programadas para el año 2019.
    Esperando sus respuestas, me despido atentamente.
    Adriana Armijo

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