Author: Laura Arévalo

Trunk exercises

In these exercises the main objective is trunk work. Regular exercises in physiotherapy consultations that you can now continue doing at home if you want to improve coordination and muscle tone. We hope you find them useful and add them to your routines.

Therapeutic yoga

On these days of confinement, performing exercises that help keep body and mind in balance is essential. This is why our yoga instructor and therapist Bobath Marina, has created this sample of some yoga exercises that can be performed at home. If you want more sessions do not hesitate to contact us. We stay home […]

Healthy nutrition. Healthy brain

This weekend, the Neurorehabilitation Clinic has offered its patients an activity to promote healthy eating habits. Nina Izquierdo, a nutritionist with extensive experience has made a talk in which she has updated us on the basis of healthy eating, tips such as: avoid sugary drinks, a source of calories usually with little nutritional value; use […]

10 Principles of Neural Plasticity to optimize the intervention in neurorehabilitation

Use it or lose it Decreased activation of specific brain areas can lead to functional degradation. Encourage the patient to perform the movements that he can do on his own and assist the movement that he cannot perform. Since it has been shown that the decrease in use or performance of a movement can cause […]

(Español) Tratamiento miofascial para disminuir la espasticidad y mejorar el equilibrio

Este fin de semana he empezado una formación interesantísima de valoración y tratamiento de miofascial impartida por el fisioterapeuta y osteópata Ricard Tutusaus autor del recomendado libro: Sistema fascial, anatomía, valoración y tratamiento. Así que hoy he empezado a aplicar todo lo aprendido a mis pacientes y como no me parecía interesante compartir algunos conceptos […]