Jornadas formativas en el Concepto Bobath

The Spanish Association of Therapists Formed in the Bobath Concept performs each year two training days so that partners and non-members are aware of the evolution of the Bobath Concept and new therapeutic tendencies with neurological patients such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, parkinson’s, ataxias, among others .
In November, specifically on November 11, will be held in the city of Leon one of these meetings with the theme of treatment of the patient with sequelae of traumatic cranioencephalic. For that they have different professionals specialized in the field of neuro-habilitation and neurosciences and who bring to the conference presentations related to the regeneration of the central nervous system against a neurological injury, as is the case of traumatic brain injury, or issues such as function and cerebral dysfunction.
The part will also touch on topics related to the practice of our profession, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, and therefore the treatment and recovery of patients after suffering a traumatic brain injury. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy in patients with cranioencephalic trauma are currently focused on recovering lost abilities, which depend on the location and severity of brain damage (balance, coordination, posture, movement of arms, etc.). In many cases, the neuropsychologist collaborates to deal with cognitive and emotional issues in order to strengthen the capacity for motor learning and the adaptation and management of the relationship between family, friends, school, work and others.

Programa jornadas en Concepto Bobath
Programa jornadas en Concepto Bobath

Terapia Espejo

Mirror therapy is a form of treatment that is applied primarily to patients suffering from single-limb or hemibody, or those in which the condition is most evident in one limb. This form of therapy emerged in the 1990s from the hands of Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran as a means to treat phantom limb pain in amputated patients. Subsequently, it was proved useful in another type of pathology, such as chronic regional pain. It was in 1999, when Altschuler decided to use mirror therapy as an intervention in patients suffering from hemiparesis after a stroke, demonstrating that the motor component of these patients improved.

The principle of this form of therapy is based on providing a false sensation of movement of the affected limb from the healthy limb by means of a mirror located in the patient’s mid-sacral plane, perpendicular to it, which hides the affected limb and which reflects the healthy. Thus, the mirror therapy focuses on a visual stimulation in which it replaces the information that has of the extremity that is affected. With this arrangement, functional movements or activities that can be performed with the healthy side are reflected in the mirror giving the false sense that it is the affected member that performs them.

It is believed that the positive results in relation to this treatment can take place by changes in the level of the cerebral excitation, provoked when the patient sees its healthy member moving through the mirror, whereas its affected member is blocked visually. This visual illusion functions as the basis of a neurological mechanism to induce cerebral plasticity, and can accelerate recovery. The improvements have been described in the motor field, in sensory dysfunction, in hemineglect, in the daily living activities and in pain.

In the Clínica de Neurorehabilitación we have professionals trained in this form of treatment, who will adapt the sessions and the way of working to the needs of each patient. In addition, after several sessions of work with the therapist, this therapy can be performed autonomously by the patient at home.


In everyday life we carry out many functional movements that involve the ability to maintain balance, not only in positions static as standing in a supermarket queue, but also dynamic such as walking on the street or with movement of the trunk, arms and legs. Some of them are transfers from bed to get standing, or bed to a wheelchair, or from the wheelchair to the toilet. When remain us stand also prescisamos of balance to dry our hair, or prepare food in the kitchen.When we perform daily daily activities we need that our brain is attentive to the activity that we perform (example: wash dishes, look at the mobile…), therefore the maintenance of the balance have to be automatic, it is saying, not consciously, we control the activity of the muscles that make us maintain posture. This ability to perform a task to balance while we carry out an activity as a reply to a message from the mobile, or manipulate a small object is called the capacity of dual task.

Neurorehabilitation clinic we attach great importance to the work of the balance. We focus therapies to prepare the muscles and improve sensitivity to the body perform a good postural responses to an imbalance. When we work the balance, at the same time, carry out a dual task, with the purpose of automating postural reactions and that we can divert our attention and concentration to other task (prepare a meal, check the mobile, maintaining a conversation).

When we have altered the ability of balance, is very important to monitor the situations of everyday life in which easily can lose the balance by focusing on the activity (use of the WC, shower, while we wear it). In these situations should monitor as the person may not maintain their attention in posture and therefore will have to be controlled by the brain in an automatic way. This is why rehabilitation sessions also have to work how to ensure a good balance to prevent falls of the patients with neurological injury such as stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, among others.


Día Mundial de la Fisioterapia

Physiotherapy has thousands of years of evolution but only in 1958 did the World Health Organization officially define physiotherapy as “the art and science of treatment through therapeutic exercise, heat, cold, light, water, massage and electricity.” In addition to treatments, in physiotherapy, manual and computerized tests are used to determine the affectation and the degree of all those who come to this service, such as muscle strength, joint movement, balance, pain, among others. So what has been known as the treatment through physical agents has evolved not only curative but also preventive and evaluative skills.

As in medicine, in the nineteenth century, physiotherapy is divided into several therapeutic specialties in which we can find neurological physiotherapy. Neurological physiotherapy, as a service incorporated in the neurorehabilitation sector, aims to restore and maintain functional capacities to the maximum affected by the neurological disease or injury (eg, stroke, ALS among others) and in some cases to develop new strategies and capacities that allow the people affected to be as autonomous as possible in their activities.

Within this branch of physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy, it is possible to find different concepts, methods and treatment techniques developed mostly after the 1950s. At the Neurorehabilitation Clinic of Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona), the Bobath Concept is the most integrated approach in physiotherapy treatments and even if we use different strategies, we continue to celebrate physiotherapy, where everything has started.

Concepto Bobath: Curso Avanzado en Reconocimiento y Tratamiento de Personas adultas con Trastornos neurológicos

Topic: “Control posture as a requirement of the gait and functionality of the upper limb in people with incomplete spinal cord lesion and ataxia”

Aimed at: Physiotherapists and occupational therapists who have the title of the basic course of the Bobath concept by the IBITA.

Teacher: Bettina Paeth Rohlfs, physical therapist, tutor Bobath Senior IBITA
Hours: 35 face-to-face hours (accredited by the Commission of continuing training)
Dates: 21 – February 25, 2018
Hours: 9-18’30 h from Wednesday to Saturday
9-14 h Sunday
Place: Neurorehabilitation clinic (c / Asturias 1, Mirasol)
Price: €650
Number of places: 12

  • Deepen and broaden knowledge of techniques and tests for evaluation and treatment of adult patients with neurological as incomplete spinal cord injury and injury cerebellar disorders / Ataxia to make a clinical diagnosis;
  • Deepen and broaden knowledge on the physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system to recognize symptoms and signs in affected individuals and classify them according to medical diagnosis;
  • Improve the clinical reasoning to determine treatment short-term goals and long-term mean level of structure and function and level of activities and participation;
  • Improve the practical techniques of treatment.


  • Lectures of neurophysiology and pathophysiology
  • Classroom for evaluation and tests: balance, postural control of the trunk, on the progress of the functionality of the upper limb
  • Facilitation of practical classes: balance, postural control trunk, the gait and the functionality of the upper limb
  • Demonstrations of people affected by Ataxia and spinal cord injury treatments.
  • Hours of treatment of people affected by the participants of the course under the supervision of the teacher.

Registration open until 15 January 2018. To enroll, send mail to with personal data (full name, phone number, local work), copy of the certificate of the course basic in the Bobath concept and proof of payment (account no.: 2100 2776 3801 0056 6981 ES26 concept: name completo+CA).

carteal CA 2018

¡Participa, esto es por la Esclerosis Múltiple!

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic and neurodegenerative disease that occurs mainly in young adults. It consists of the degeneration of myelin of the nervous system, a substance that protects neurons and other nerve cells and increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.

Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most frequent and disabling neurological diseases in young adults, especially in women. Women are about 3 times more likely to suffer from this disease compared to men and this is related to family history and social and urban environments.

In recent years, the incidence of this disease has increased. Without knowing exactly why, it is thought that it is due to its growth or the technological advances that allow its early diagnosis.

This condition has consequences in our society, not only for the use of health services but also for the low labor, early retirements and the possible dependence of a family member or caregiver.

In the Clinic of Neurorehabilitation we attend people affected by this neurodegenerative disease. The treatment sessions focus on recovering some necessary skills such as balance and gait and maintain patient skills related to mobility, sensitivity, manual dexterity, coordination and speed of movements, among others. Improving these aspects, the patients are autonomous for longer time being able to continue working or taking care of the house.

While we directly assist our patients with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and psychology sessions, we also like to collaborate so that scientific research continues to find a cure or better treatments for people with Multiple Sclerosis. This year we helped spread the “Get wet for Multiple Sclerosis!” On July 9, 2017, the entries in the municipal swimming pools of Catalonia revert in favor of the Association of Multiple Sclerosis, you can consult more information at:

"Múlla't por la Esclerosis Múlitple" evento día 9 de julio de 2017 en las piscinas municipales de Cataluña
“Múlla’t por la Esclerosis Múlitple”

Now let’s wait for a sunny day to wear our swimsuit and take a dip in favor of all people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis